TDM - トウキョウダンスマガジン

久々のカポエイラ特集。2006年にインタビューも特集したJUNやYANAGIが確立したカポエイラのチーム「CAPOEIRA JAPON」を筆頭に、日本のダンスシーンにもカポエイラのショーが増えた。現在でもダンスシーンをリードするMANKYやJUNGI、nonもメンバーの一員だったCAPOEIRA JAPON。その後、SHIBAの率いるANGORA TOKYOやRYO&夏目のグループREGIONAL JAPAOがダンスイベントに多く参加していたが、今ではジャンルが細分化され、特にカポエラに関しては文化や宗教等の影響もあり、ダンスシーンよりも、社会に根付いた活動が中心になってきたと感じる。

Here is the featuring long-absent CAPOEIRA. Since the beginning of a team, CAPOEIRA JAPON, established by JUN and YANAGI we issued in 2006, CAPOEIRA shows are increasing in Japanese dance scenes. MANKY and JUNGI, are famous in the scene, used to belong CAPOEIRA JAPON. REGIONAL JAPAO by ANGORA TOKYO or RYO&Natsume which SHIBA leads participated in various dance events, though, CAPOEIRA at present has been divided into some sections so that it demonstrates activities on in the society rather than dance because of its cultural and religious aspects.

今回はカポエイラの持つアクロバティックな動きと、“ホーダ”(ポルトガル語で円を意味する。)という個人同士のセッションの様な動きを取り入れたチーム、CAPOEIRA BATUQUEをメインに、カポエイラの持つ魅力をお伝えできれば…と 思っている。

We would like to feature a team, CAPOEIRA BATUQUE, represents acrobatic body movements in CAPOEIRA and “roda”(means circle in Portuguese) ;exchanges of movements in person to introduce you something of CAPOEIRA that attracts you.

CAPOEIRA(カポエイラ)には、ゲーム性が強くダンスの要素を持つAngola(アンゴラ)と、格闘技の要素が強くアクロバティックなRegional(ヘジョナウ)という2つのスタイルがある。多くのグループはこのどちらか一方を学ぶが、CAPOEIRA BATUQUEはこの二つのスタイルにリスペクトを持ち両方を学んでいる。それにより、roda abertaと呼ばれるゲーム会では、様々なグループのカポエリィスタが参加し、違うスタイルの人とjogoというゲームをするなど、普段では見られないような取り合わせも行っている。

CAPOEIRA has two styles: Angola (reflects a game and dance elements), and Regional (demonstrates an acrobatic element of fighting sport). You can choose one of them, but we, CAPOEIRA BATUQUE, learn both for our respect for them. Thus, various Capoeristas come together in “roda aberta” and “jogo”(fight) with the other style, which could not be seen normally.

YOKOMessage from YOKO



Comparing to thirteen years ago as I started to train, those who are doing CAPOEIRA have increased, though, its visibility may be still low. I hope that you could feel the differences in yourselves since you have met CAPOEIRA, acquired happiness and toughness, and something nurtured within its long history with doing CAPOEIRA, beyond your ages or genders.

So, holding several shows and workshops in stage, club, primary school, university and so on, I wish that help you to get close to and enjoy CAPOEIRA.

幼い頃からバレエ・ジャズ・ヒップホップなど多ジャンルのダンスを経て、1998年にカポエイラに出会う。現在はL.A.に本部を持つCAPOEIRA BATUQUEのProfessoraで日本支部代表。柔らかくしなやかな動きと共に見せる力強さでショー・PV・舞台に多数出演一方、多くの生徒を育てカポエイラを日本に広める活動に力を注いでいる。

YOKO has learned dance such as Ballet, Jazz, HipHop since she was a child and met CAPOEIRA in 1998. She is currently a Japanese representative of CAPOEIRA BATUQUE in Los Angeles. Performing her style; lean and strong in shows, promotion videos and stages, YOKO is working on expanding CAPOEIRA with turning out her students.

師範アメインサント(Mestre AMEN SANTO)
Mestre AMEN

ブラジル・バイーア州出身。7歳の頃からトラディッショナルブラジリアンダンスを習い、Mestre WALDEMARの下でカポエイラを学ぶ。1989年にL.A.サンタモニカにB.B.C.C.(ブラジルブラジルカルチャーセンター)を創立し、今では南カリフォルニアで一番歴史のあるカポエイラスクールのメストレである。映画『ONLY THE STRONG』『KICK BOXER IV』等のコレオグラフ、ショーへの出演、アメリカ・カナダ・ヨーロッパ・アジアで幅広く活躍している。

Mestre, AMEN SANTO is from Bahia, Brazil. He has learned traditional Brazilian dance since he was seven years old and been nurtured Capoeira by Mestre WALDEMAR. Established B.B.C.C. (Brasil Brasil Culture Center) in Santa Monica, Los Angeles in 1989, he become a Mestre in the most traditional school in southern California. He choreographed movies such as “ONLY THE STRONG”or “KICK BOXER IV” and has been performing in numerous shows in United States, Canada, Europe and Asia.

Mestre AMENのワークショップ情報

Ana Carla Laidley(アナ・カーラ・ライディリー)
Ana Carla Laidley


Ana Carla Laidley, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was exposed to the art and culture of Samba in early childhood because her father, Carlinhos Pandeiro de Ouro, was a very famous musician of the most traditional Samba School; Estacao Primeira de Mangueira. Ana’s mother was one of the first Passistas (Samba dancers) who performed with several renowned artists and performing groups in Brazil and internationally.


Ana’s debut in the Samba School’s parade happened when she was 5 year old and has been doing it for over 20 years. Since immigrated to USA, Ana has been teaching Samba by integrating traditional and contemporary Samba styles. Her class provides a space to people to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the Brazilian culture as well as reconnect with their body, mind, and soul!


Also, Ana is studying varieties of the Samba from the 50’s to the present and its roots: Jongo. She has created the group SambaNMotion and has choreographed several numbers that reflect her understanding and passion for the Samba de Malandro, Gafieira, and her respect to the varieties of style and movements of this Unique form of dance: SAMBA!


She has planned trips to Brazil to help her students to experience the Samba and Brazilian Culture, and is committed herself to promoting and divulging the Brazilian Culture outside Brazil.

Ana Carla Laidleyのワークショップ情報

Mestre AMEN Interview

Capoeira can enrich people's lives and values, physically, spiritually and mentally.



How did you start capoeira?

Mestre AMEN

Mestre AMEN私が7歳の時に、母とマーケットに行く途中にカポエイラに出会いました。それは Mestre waldemar da Paixaoのホーダ (個人同士のセッション) で、私と母がそこを通り過ぎようとした時に、Mestre Waldmarがひょいっと私をつかんで、カポエイラをプレイし始めました。それが、このアートへの一番最初の出来事でした。

その後、Mestreが私の家の近くに住んでいるということを知り、近所の友達といっしょに、Mestreの家に行って、カポエイラをトレーニングしたり、ベリンバウの色塗りを手伝いにいったりしていました。それから後、リベルダージのMestre Avilaのところでトレーニングを始めるようになりました。

I started capoeira, when I was 7 years old, I had my first encounter with capoeira with my mom while Going to the market, there was a capoeira roda of Mestre waldemar da Paixao. As my mom and were passing by Mestre waldemar picked me up and started playing capoeira with me that was my introduction to the art.

After that day I realized that the mestre lived near my house, so I started going to his house with other kids to help painting his berimbau and practice capoeira, then later I started to train with Mestre Avila in Liberdade,



Why did you move to the U.S?

Mestre AMEN



I was invited to perform in a Brazilian festival at the Carnegie Hall, after was done with the festival was invited to teach at Zumbi cultural Center in New York.

I lived in New York for 3 years then i moved to D.C for two years, after leaving in east coast for five years i got tired of the cold weather,so i moved to Los Angeles.



What are the significance/importance of capoeira in LA and Brazil?

Mestre AMEN

Mestre AMENカポエイラは過去30年で世界中にどんどん広がってきています。そして、私はカポエイラは人々の生活や価値観などを、心身ともに豊かなものにすると信じています。


Capoeira has been spreading around the global in last 30 years, and I believe that capoeira can enrich peoples lives and values, physically, spiritually and mentally.

I believe that capoeira can help unifying people , regardless of gender, race and religious beliefs. My role in capoeira is to teach my students to understand and appreciate people's differences and to have tolerance towards those last fortunate. I use capoeira as a tool to bring the best Out of each individual.



Why do you teach/choose in LA?

Mestre AMEN


The reason I chose Los Angeles to live, it was because I never got used to the cold weather in the east coast. However, after I had moved to LA , I realized that wasn't any capoeira school. At that point it came clear to me that I had a very Important role to play in southern california. So, I opened the first capoeira school in Los Angeles and it's the longest standing capoeira school in southern California .

I found myself more convincing people to accept capoeira than teaching.


What are the activities that have you done in the U.S?

Mestre AMEN

Mestre AMENここLAでは、ただ単なるカポエイラスクールではなく、カルチュアルコミュニティーを築くことができました。BBCC (Brasil Brasil Cultural Center)では、様々な分野のイベントやクラスが開かれ、アフロブラジリアンクラス、カポエイラ、サンバ、ズンビフェスティバルやヒップホップなどを提供しています。


Here in Los Angeles , I was able to create more than a capoeira school, I created I cultural community. At the BBCC we have varieties of events and classes, ranging from Afro Brazilian class, capoeira , Samba , zumbi festival and hip hop.

We also do a lot out reach programs, such as educational shows in public schools and libraries throughout Los Angeles .Here at BBCC we believe we need to keep diversity within our programs and to always find new ways to challenge ourselves physically and intellectually so we can build a stronger and healthier community.



How do you cultivate capoeira in the U.S?

Mestre AMEN



I believe that in order to cultivate capoeira traditions, we need to be responsible teachers, as capoeira grows around the global, it's very important to teach the new generation not just to learn the physical aspects of capoeira but also its spiritual, historical and cultural values.

Capoeira is growing, now is up to its practitioners to preserve and maintain its true values.



What have you learned the most by teaching capoeira outside of Brazil?

Mestre AMEN

Mestre AMEN特に過去数年思うことは、ブラジル以外でカポエイラを教えることは本当に難しいことです。その一つの理由として、文化の違いよりもまず、言葉の壁があるということです。私にとって自分自身がカポエイラを「文化」として教えていると理解し始めたのも、約12年以上もかかりました。その分とても努力しました。



I have learned over the years, that to teach outside Brazil is extremely difficult, one of the reasons is that we have the language barriers than followed by cultural differences. It took me over a decade to really understand that I was teaching a culture within a culture which made my job extra hard.

In the beginning of my capoeira journey in the US I found myself more convincing people to accept capoeira than teaching. However, I have learned over the years that capoeira abroad has helped Brazilians to appreciate even more their culture. For me , personally, I have learned so much about myself and the world.

I believe By teaching outside Brazil I am more susceptible to surprise myself with new exciting journeys.

interview by AKIKO
audiotyped and English Edit by Kony
'10/02/06 UPDATE
[Pick Up Event]

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